Agronomy Webinars

Catch up on the latest agronomy advice with this series of webinars presented by the Yara agronomy team together with guest presenters.

These webinars are all presented live but don't worry if you missed one as they are all recorded and are all available on-demand.

Webinar Artwork

Yara Fertiliser Tried, Trusted and Fully Traceable

Why is the quality of Yara Fertiliser different? Yara is the only fertiliser supplier in Ireland that produces Complex Compound Fertiliser (CCF) at their own factories. Over 95% of the fertiliser imported to Ireland by Yara is manufactured at our own...
YaraAmplix webinar cover art

YaraAmplix: Unlocking Crops' Natural Potential in Harmony with Nature

Biostimulants are a key innovation for sustainable agriculture, offering enhanced resilience to abiotic stress, improved nutrient use efficiency, and increased crop yield and quality. By complementing mineral fertilisers, biostimulants enhance nutrient...
Ensuring Nutrient Sufficiency Thumbnail

Ensuring Nutrient Sufficiency in your Oilseed Rape and Cereals this Autumn

In this webinar, Chris Harrold talks about Autumn foliar nutrient applications which provide nutrients straight into the plant to maintain crop growth and improve winter hardiness as well as loading the plant up with nutrients ready for spring growth.
Yara webinar Maize and Grassland thumbnail

Foliar Nutrition of Maize and Grassland Webinar

In this webinar, Chris Harrold covers foliar nutrition for Maize and Grassland.
Yara Potatoes and Sugarbeet Webinar cover

Foliar Nutrition of Potatoes and Sugar Beet Webinar

In this webinar, Chris Harrold covers foliar nutrition for Potatoes and Sugar Beet.
Cover of Beans and Peas webinar

Foliar Nutrition of Beans and Peas

In this webinar, Chris Harrold covers foliar nutrition for Peas and Beans.
Artwork of Atfarm Fertiliser Investment Webinar

Yara Atfarm and N-Tester BT

In this webinar, Agronomy Operations Manager Natalie Wood discusses getting more from your fertiliser investments with variable rate applications (VRA) and use of the N-Tester BT.
Maximising your Crops Potential with Foliar Nutrition webinar title cover

Maximising your Crops Potential with Foliar Nutrition

In this exclusive webinar recording, we delve into the essential strategies for maximising your crop yields with YaraVita foliar nutrition products.
Yara Amplix webinar cover

Introduction to Yara Amplix

YaraAmplix is our portfolio of biostimulant technology being phased in this year, designed to improve nutrient use efficiency, support soil health, increase yield and amplify natural crop processes and resilience to adapt to stress in changing climate...
Introduction to Biostimulants webinar

Introduction to Biostimulants

Watch the recording now to delve into the fundamentals of biostimulants and why they're essential for agriculture. Learn about the different types of biostimulants, their development, formulation, and validation processes.
Cover of the foliar nutrition of maize webinar

Foliar nutrition of Maize

Phil Burrell (YaraVita Technical Manager) gives advice on using foliar fertilisers to maximise yield and profitability on maize crops.
Cover of the Foliar Nutrition

Foliar Nutrition of Potatoes and Sugar Beet

Phil Burrell (YaraVita Technical Manager) gives technical advice on using foliar fertilisers to maximise yield and profitability on potato and sugar beet crops.
Cover of the new Atfarm webinar

Atfarm Demo - How to use Atfarm

In our latest Atfarm webinar, Natalie Wood, Yara’s Agronomy Operations Manager runs through how to add a field, both manually and by uploading a shape file. How to create VRA maps and also how to set up the N-Tester BT in Atfarm.
Cover of the new Yara Tankmix webinar

It's here! The NEW Tankmix website!

YaraVita Product Manager, Phil Burrell, walks you through using the NEW Tankmix website and why it's so important to check for physical compatibilities or tank-mixability when using YaraVita foliar crop nutrition products with other crop protection...
Cover of the webinar How to optimise arable crops with YaraVita foliar fertilisers

How to optimise arable crops with YaraVita foliar fertilisers

Phil Burrell (YaraVita Technical Manager) gives technical advice on the use of foliar fertilisers to maximise yield and profitability.
 In this webinar, Yara UK's Head of Agronomy, Mark Tucker is joined by Natalie Wood, Yara's Arable Agronomist and Philip Cosgrave, Yara's Grassland Agronomist to discuss what farmers can do to minimise risk this autumn.

Fertiliser Quality - A Risky Business?

In this webinar, Yara UK's Head of Agronomy, Mark Tucker is joined by Natalie Wood, Yara's Arable Agronomist and Philip Cosgrave, Yara's Grassland Agronomist to discuss what farmers can do to minimise risk this autumn.
Give your oilseed crop the best possible start this autumn

Give your oilseed crop the best possible start this autumn

Yara’s Agronomy Operations Manager, Natalie Wood is joined by Limagrain Technical Specialist, Liam Wilkinson, to discuss how to improve oilseed establishment and grow a crop worth looking after.
A guide to multi species swards/herbal leys

A guide to multi species swards/herbal leys

In this webinar Philip Cosgrave, Yara Grassland Agronomist, Damian McAllister and Dr Thomas Moloney from DLF (Ireland) discussed multi-species swards, the pros and cons and what farming systems would benefit most from using them
First cut silage webinar

How to manage fertiliser inputs on first cut silage crops

In this webinar, we cover a range of topics to help inform farmers on how best to manage fertiliser applications this spring on silage crops.
Nutrients Action Programme webinar

An update on the NI Nutrients Action Programme

In this webinar, we look at updates on the Nutrient Action Programme (NAP) regulations relating to the use and application of inorganic fertilisers and an explanation of the requirement for fertilisation plans.
Nitrogen pricing webinar  - How does this affect you?

Nitrogen pricing - How does this affect you?

In this webinar, Yara UK's Head of Agronomy, Mark Tucker is joined by Natalie Wood Yara's arable agronomist and Philip Cosgrave Yara's grassland agronomist to discuss how to maximize your return on investment and respond to the price of nitrogen for next...
How does crop nutrition influence oilseed rape establishment

How does crop nutrition influence oilseed rape establishment

In this webinar, Natalie Wood is joined by Sarah Kendall from ADAS who will be discussing the basic principles of oilseed establishment, the pros and cons to early vs late drilling together with insights from YEN, whilst Natalie will discuss how crop...
Don't buy your new season nitrogen until you've seen this

How to decide what fertiliser to order for next season

In this webinar, Natalie Wood is joined by James Webster from AHDB and will be doing a full rundown of everything you need to know about nutrition planning for next season. Live webinar 25th May 2021
Atfarm and N-Tester

How to use Atfarm and the N-Tester

This webinar runs through how to add your fields, create VRA maps and also set up the N-Tester in Atfarm as well as the benefits when using these tools.
How to improve your nitrogen use efficiency

How to improve your nitrogen use efficiency

Nitrogen use efficiency helps to understand the relationships between the total nitrogen input compared to the nitrogen output.
Grass, milk and robots

How to manage grass, milk and robots

Our grassland agronomy expert Philip Cosgrave joins Cormac Garvey from Lely for this webinar to discuss grazing systems for robotic milking, grassland management and grassland nutrition management
Achieving Net Zero by 2040 - How the industry is helping growers

How the industry is helping growers achieving net zero

A Yara technical webinar presented in association with CPM magazine. What will be the impact of increased regulation? Just how much N is lost from the field? What are the carbon credentials of the product you buy?
How to manage lime and fertiliser on a livestock farm

How to manage lime and fertiliser on a livestock farm

In this webinar, Philip Cosgrave of Yara and Kevin Havekes of Kilwaughter Lime collaborate to give an insight into how lime and fertiliser work hand in hand.
Spring arable nutrition of wheat and other winter crops

Advice on the spring arable nutrition of winter cereals

In this webinar, Natalie Wood gives advice on the nutritional requirements of winter cereals as they begin spring regrowth.
Healthy grass -Happy cow - Hearty yield

How to get healthy grass and happy cows

In this webinar, Philip Cosgrave is joined by Conrad Ferris from AFBI to talk about the planning behind a successful spring grassland nutrition strategy.
Top Potato webinar - can the right nutrition help suppress tuber disorders?

Can the right potato nutrition help supress tuber disorders?

With potato quality being so important it's vital to give the crop the best nutrition to help suppress tuber disorders. Join our webinar to hear how effective nutrition helps control disease in potatoes. Recorded
Autumn arable nutrition - your 3 steps to success

How to decide on autumn arable nutrition?

As thoughts turn to next seasons crops Natalie Wood is joined by Jon Telfer to talk about the planning for the successful establishment of autumn crops.
Oilseed webinar - Successful oilseed establishment - what makes the difference

What makes the difference for successful oilseed establishment?

As thoughts turn to next season's oilseed crops Natalie Wood is joined by guest presenter Michael Farr to talk about what makes the difference for the successful establishment of oilseed crops.
Grow the future podcast
Grow the future podcast

Have you heard our latest podcast ?

Grow the future podcasts will keep you up with all the latest crop nutrition information, advice and much more.

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