Farmer with a crop in the hand Farmer with a crop in the hand

Applying nitrogen and sulphur together just makes sense

Combining nitrogen and sulphur together increases nitrogen use efficiency so means more for your money with less wastage

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Understand Your Sulphur Product

The majority of UK arable soils are deficient in sulphur which means that it needs to be part of the fertiliser strategy. With little to no deposition from the atmosphere we rely on inputs, whether that’s a mixture of organic manures and mineral fertiliser or solely mineral. With many buying straight nitrogen products, sulphur might need managing differently and you need to be aware of the differences.

The source of sulphur applied makes a big difference. Elemental sulphur has to undergo an oxidation process before it becomes plant-available, this is weather-dependent and could take up to 6 weeks in the spring. Sulphur in the sulphate form is plant-available and therefore the crop can utilise it quickly and efficiently.

Sulphur also increases nitrogen use efficiency, for plants to utilise nitrogen correctly sufficient sulphur levels are required, this is due to the close relationship between the two nutrients. When applying sulphur it should go on little and often, the same way you would apply your nitrogen, because it has the same leachability characteristics in the soil. The addition of sulphur applied in this way typically increases the yield by an average of 0.50-0.85t/ha for oilseed and wheat.

Quality of the product is also a key factor for buying decisions. Does it spread the required distance evenly to give a good spread pattern? Fertiliser is a big investment therefore buying a product that has a good CV, hard granules/prills (no dust), uniform size and shape (no segregation), all nutrients in one granule/prill (even nutrition in the field) and low emissions means an overall reliable return on investment.

YaraBela Axan (27%N 9% SO3) is a high quality NS compound which delivers these attributes and more. It is ideal for a multitude of crops when applied throughout the growing season, reducing the requirement of straight nitrogen, for a more efficiently grown crop.

More arable agronomy advice

Listen to the latest arable podcasts

If you are short of time why not check out our bite-size podcasts for the latest thoughts on arable crop nutrition.

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Recent arable agronomy webinars

Nitrogen price - How does it affect you?
In this webinar, Yara UK's Head of Agronomy, Mark Tucker is joined by Natalie Wood Yara's arable agronomist and Philip Cosgrave Yara's grassland agronomist to discuss how to maximize your return on investment and respond to the price of nitrogen for next years arable and grass crop.
How does crop nutrition influence oilseed establishment
In this webinar, Natalie Wood is joined by Sarah Kendall from ADAS to discuss how to achieve successful oilseed establishment from the basic principles through to autumn nutrition
New season nitrogen - What to grow and how to grow it?
In this webinar, Natalie Wood is joined by James Webster from AHDB and will be doing a full rundown of everything you need to know about nutrition planning for next season
Wheat agronomy and fertiliser advice
Wheat agronomy and fertiliser advice

Looking for even more information ...

If you would like more information and would like to speak to our arable specialist or to one of our area managers please find all their contact details here.

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Where can I buy Yara fertiliser ...

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