Potato nutrient requirements

Potato nutrient requirements vary depending on the crop growth stage. Find out which nutrients are most important at different growth stages.


Nitrogen and Potassium - early growth and dry matter
Phosphate - more tubers, growth and dry matter
Magnesium - for plant development
Zinc and Manganese - Powdery and Common Scab control
Sulphur - Common and Powdery Scab and tuber numbers

Before tuber initiation (Hook stage)

Phosphate - more tubers, stronger growth

Tuber initiation

Phosphate and Magnesium - bigger tubers
Zinc and Manganese – skin finish
Calcium (+/- Boron) – good skin quality, internal rust spot reduction, stress tolerance – drought/heat

Flowering and bulking

Nitrogen, Phosphate and Magnesium - maintain tuber growth
Calcium – improves skin finish and reduces disease impact

Potato agronomy and fertiliser advice
Potato agronomy and fertiliser advice

Looking for even more information ...

If you would like more information on potato agronomy or nutrition and would like to speak to one of our area managers or agronomists please find all their contact details here

Contact your local Yara area manager or agronomist


Where can I buy Yara fertiliser ...

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