Dark green coloration of medium and young foliage. Wilting and leaf scorch starting from marginal and interveinal areas of older leaves. Poor branching. Reduced flowering and fruit set, worse fruit quality.
Phosphorus deficiency
Berries tend to have a low demand for P relative to other crops. Normal leaf level is 0.2-0.6% dry weight. Availibility may be reduced by unfavourable soil conditions such as extremes in pH, temperature or moisture, as well as excessive Ca and Al. Soils with a large quantity of clay will fix more P than lighter soils.
Raspberries - Dark green color
Dark green coloration of medium and young foliage. Wilting and leaf scorch starting from marginal and interveinal areas of older leaves. Poor branching. Reduced flowering and fruit set, worse fruit quality.
Phosphorus deficiency
Berries tend to have a low demand for P relative to other crops. Normal leaf level is 0.2-0.6% dry weight. Availibility may be reduced by unfavourable soil conditions such as extremes in pH, temperature or moisture, as well as excessive Ca and Al. Soils with a large quantity of clay will fix more P than lighter soils.
Raspberries - Dark green color
Dark green coloration of medium and young foliage. Wilting and leaf scorch starting from marginal and interveinal areas of older leaves. Poor branching. Reduced flowering and fruit set, worse fruit quality.
Phosphorus deficiency
Berries tend to have a low demand for P relative to other crops. Normal leaf level is 0.2-0.6% dry weight. Availibility may be reduced by unfavourable soil conditions such as extremes in pH, temperature or moisture, as well as excessive Ca and Al. Soils with a large quantity of clay will fix more P than lighter soils.
Raspberries - Necrosis
Dark green coloration of medium and young foliage. Wilting and leaf scorch starting from marginal and interveinal areas of older leaves. Poor branching. Reduced flowering and fruit set, worse fruit quality.
Phosphorus deficiency
Berries tend to have a low demand for P relative to other crops. Normal leaf level is 0.2-0.6% dry weight. Availibility may be reduced by unfavourable soil conditions such as extremes in pH, temperature or moisture, as well as excessive Ca and Al. Soils with a large quantity of clay will fix more P than lighter soils.
Raspberries - Necrosis
Dark green coloration of medium and young foliage. Wilting and leaf scorch starting from marginal and interveinal areas of older leaves. Poor branching. Reduced flowering and fruit set, worse fruit quality.
Phosphorus deficiency
Berries tend to have a low demand for P relative to other crops. Normal leaf level is 0.2-0.6% dry weight. Availibility may be reduced by unfavourable soil conditions such as extremes in pH, temperature or moisture, as well as excessive Ca and Al. Soils with a large quantity of clay will fix more P than lighter soils.
Raspberries - Necrosis
Dark green coloration of medium and young foliage. Wilting and leaf scorch starting from marginal and interveinal areas of older leaves. Poor branching. Reduced flowering and fruit set, worse fruit quality.
Phosphorus deficiency
Berries tend to have a low demand for P relative to other crops. Normal leaf level is 0.2-0.6% dry weight. Availibility may be reduced by unfavourable soil conditions such as extremes in pH, temperature or moisture, as well as excessive Ca and Al. Soils with a large quantity of clay will fix more P than lighter soils.
Raspberries - Dark green color
Dark green coloration of medium and young foliage. Wilting and leaf scorch starting from marginal and interveinal areas of older leaves. Poor branching. Reduced flowering and fruit set, worse fruit quality.
Phosphorus deficiency (right)
Berries tend to have a low demand for P relative to other crops. Normal leaf level is 0.2-0.6% dry weight. Availibility may be reduced by unfavourable soil conditions such as extremes in pH, temperature or moisture, as well as excessive Ca and Al. Soils with a large quantity of clay will fix more P than lighter soils.
Phosphorus deficiency made worse by
Acidic or very alkaline (calcareaus) soils
Low organic matter
Cold or wet conditions
Crops with a poorly developed root system
Soils with low P reserves
Soils with a high phosphate capacity
Iron rich soils
Phosphorus is important for
Stronger plants, healthier plants with more resistance to cold weather
Bigger bolder berries
Improves efficiency of fungicide sprays
Reduces incidence of botrytis
Firmer berries with better storage potential
Increases shelf life
Yara recommended fertilizers for Phosphorus
Raspberry: 5 l/ha at green bud. Water rate: 200-500 l/ha.