Growth of the plant is clearly inhibited, and the plants turn pale green. The leaves start wilting from the leaf tips and margins, the tissue dies off afterwards and shows a brown/yellow colour.
Molybdenum deficiency on young plant
Since deficiency symptoms of molybdenum are promoted by low pH, Mo deficiency may be mistaken as calcium deficiency. However with Ca deficiency the youngest leaves are more crinkled and darker green, which can not be confused with Mo deficiency.
The plant turns pale green, and transparent spots appear in the intercostal areas of the leaves. These become necrotic later and coalesce to bigger necrotic zones. This symptom may also appear on older plants.
Growth of the plants is clearly stunted.
Molybdenum deficiency
The transparent spots may be taken as damage caused by pests, e.g. miner moths, but no larvae are visible.
The plant turns pale green, and transparent spots appear in the intercostal areas of the leaves. These become necrotic later and coalesce to bigger necrotic zones. This symptom may also appear on older plants.
Growth of the plants is clearly stunted.
Molybdenum deficiency on young plants
The transparent spots may be taken as damage caused by pests, e.g. miner moths, but no larvae are visible.